Report Claims Compostable Bags Have Double the Global Warming Impact of Traditional Plastic

2023-03-30 05:37:23 By : Ms. Kaibo Kaibo
: The Inconvenient Truth

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness about the harmful impact of plastic on the environment. As a result, people have increasingly shifted towards "compostable" bags, thinking that they are a more environmentally-friendly option. However, a recent report by Manchester-based supply chain transparency startup, Sourceful, has revealed that compostable bags have nearly twice the global warming impact of traditional plastic bags and 4 times that of paper bags.
Compostable bags have nearly TWICE the global warming impact of traditional plastic, report claims | Daily Mail Online

This comes as a shock to many who have been convinced by the marketing gimmick of "compostable" bags. But in reality, these bags are not as eco-friendly as they seem. The problem lies in the fact that compostable bags are made from a mix of natural and synthetic materials, which require a lot of energy to create and release greenhouse gases during production.

Moreover, the problem with compostable bags is their disposal. They cannot simply be thrown out with your regular trash as they require specialized industrial composting facilities to break down properly. If compostable bags end up in landfills, they will not degrade and will contribute to the already-existing problem of waste buildup.

Another issue with compostable bags is their durability. Unlike traditional plastic bags, they cannot withstand high temperatures or humidity, making them unsuitable for many use cases. They are also more expensive than traditional plastic bags, making them an uneconomical option for most people.

So, what can we do to reduce our environmental impact while still having the convenience of plastic bags?

One solution is to reuse and recycle traditional plastic bags. By reusing plastic bags multiple times, we can prevent them from ending up in landfills and reduce the need for new production. Alternatively, you can switch to reusable cloth bags that can be used multiple times and are much more durable than compostable bags.

Another solution is to opt for biodegradable alternatives to traditional plastic bags. These bags are made from natural materials like cornstarch and will break down much faster than traditional plastic bags. They are also more cost-effective and durable than compostable bags.

In conclusion, the marketing of "compostable" bags as eco-friendly is a prime example of greenwashing. While compostable bags may seem like a more sustainable option, they have nearly twice the global warming impact of traditional plastic bags and four times that of paper bags. To truly reduce our environmental impact, we must look towards long-lasting solutions like reusable cloth bags and biodegradable alternatives. So, the next time you go shopping, remember to bring your own bag, and say no to single-use plastics.